New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA), through the New York State
Energy $mart
program, is providing incentives for the installation of approved,
grid-connected, PV systems.
This program is scheduled to run through December 31, 2015
Under the NYSERDA program, cash incentives are only available for PV
and small wind systems purchased
through an eligible installer. All Incentives are subject to approval by
NYSERDA. As an eligible installer,
Roy Butler of Four Winds Renewable Energy is authorized to apply for
incentives for approved systems for
eligible customers. One of the eligibility requirements is having an electricity provider that participates in
the RPS fund program.
A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a policy that seeks to increase
the proportion of renewable electricity
used by retail customers. New
York has adopted an aggressive goal of obtaining 30 percent of its
electricity from
renewable sources by 2015 – referred to as 30 x15.
are the utility companies
that participate in the RPS fund program.
If your utility is not on this list, NYSERDA PV
funding is not available:
Central Hudson Gas &
Consolidated Edison Company of
York, Inc.
New York State Electric &
National Grid
Orange and Rockland Utilities,
Rochester Gas and Electric